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Event First Aid Service

'When lives on the line,

every second count, 
A timely intervention ...

could be all that is needed to help.'


About us

When conducting risk assessments for your upcoming event, have you considered the liability concerns related to your event's first aid services?


"First Aid"

  • This is a critical medical term that refers to the provision of initial, immediate rescue and care for sick or injured individuals in emergencies or accidents. Mastering first aid skills not only helps determine the correct treatment sequence and priorities in emergency situations but also ensures that most injured individuals receive the best possible outcomes. In out-of-hospital environments, where medical histories are unknown and environmental conditions are unpredictable, our role becomes particularly important, leaving no room for error. Therefore, we must ensure that our services meet modern medical standards and are qualified to legally provide medical services to the public.

  • Event First Aid Service Ltd. holds comprehensive liability insurance to ensure the quality of our services, professional skills, knowledge, and the use of medical equipment. We consistently uphold corporate responsibility by providing high-quality emergency medical services to the public, protecting the interests of all stakeholders involved in events, and preventing any avoidable medical claims or public relations issues. Suppose the relevant medical personnel do not hold any liability insurance. In that case, the organizers may have to bear the claims and legal consequences arising from the improper services of the chosen service provider."
    "You should confirm this with your service provider."


  • 是一個關鍵的醫療術語,指在緊急情況或事故中,為生病或受傷的人提供初步的立即救援和照護。充分掌握急救技能不僅有助於在緊急情況下確定正確的治療順序和優先次序,還能確保大多數受傷者獲得最佳的預後。在醫院外的環境中,由於病歷未知且環境條件難以預測,我們的角色變得格外重要,沒有錯誤的餘地。因此,我們必須確保我們的服務符合現代醫療標準,並具備合法向公眾提供醫療服務的資格。

  • 「Event First Aid Service Ltd.」擁有全面的責任保險,以保障我們的服務質量、專業技能、知識及醫療設備的使用。我們始終秉持企業責任,為公眾提供高品質的醫療急救服務,維護活動中所有利益相關方的權益,並防止任何可避免的醫療索賠或公關問題。如果相關的醫療人員未持有責任保險,主辦方可能需要承擔因他們所選擇的服務供應商服務不當而產生的索賠和法律後果。


No Compromises
- Every Life Matters

Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service

#Event First Aid Service 活動駐場急救服務  

"Event First Aid Service Ltd." places great importance on and understands that in the context of Hong Kong's trend toward high transparency, accountability, and increasing public awareness of their rights, holding sufficient and valid liability insurance policies is essential for providing medical-related services to the public. This not only safeguards the interests of all your event stakeholders but also protects your event's brand reputation and ensures our legal high standards of service. Consequently, everyone can feel safe and enjoy a positive experience at your event!


​Kind tips: It is important to emphasize that the first aiders at your event should be highly trained, equipped with appropriate medical supplies to meet modern practice needs, and adequately prepared to handle emergencies. Their role is to promptly and effectively treat and stabilize any injured individuals on-site. Relying solely on calling an ambulance or on individuals with outdated knowledge of first aid or equipment could potentially put all event stakeholders at risk.




Event First Aid Service

 "Event First Aid Service Ltd" possesses below liability insurance coverage and legally provides service to the public.

Medical Malpractice Insurance

  • Who can guarantee the quality of your event's event medical first aid services, the qualifications of the medical staff, and how they management of your event attendees?
    As an event organizer, you may need to bear responsibility for claims arising from the misconduct or negligence of designated service providers.


  • Therefore, medical malpractice insurance is essential for medical first aid service providers and should be included as part of a comprehensive service package. When holding relevant medical qualifications and providing services to the public, we must take responsibility for every action and decision, especially when it involves the lives of others.

  • This insurance not only ensures that our staff's qualifications meet the highest standards but also provides comprehensive liability coverage, protecting the reputation of healthcare providers and the event organizer,  demonstrating a commitment to patient and all stakeholders' safety and quality care.

  • Providing the best liability insurance reduces the risk of unnecessary claims faced by all stakeholders.
    Medical malpractice insurance plays a crucial role in our emergency services, ensuring professional assurance, legal guidance, and trust with our patients.


  • Rest assured, the safety of your event is our top priority. We are committed to delivering the highest standard of emergency medical care while being fully prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

Employee Compensation Insurance


  • Employee Compensation Insurance, also known as workers' compensation insurance, is a mandatory requirement for employers in Hong Kong. Employees are crucial assets of a company. 'Event First Aid Service Ltd' values the importance of our employees; 


  • Therefore, we purchased for our working staff, a comprehensive and proper Employee Compensation Insurance which conforms to the < Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Ordinance > and allows our employees to feel they are valued and respected, as well as by our clients.

  • Fulfilling the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (ECO)  (Hong Kong Law Chapter 282) governs the regulations and requirements for employee compensation that employers must possess a valid insurance policy that is subject to corresponding obligations with reference to the law (including The Basic Law).


     Reference: Hong Kong Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Hong Kong Law Chapter 282)           


Medical Service providers who offer services to the public without medical malpractice insurance may face several challenges and risks.

  • Legal Liability: Medical malpractice insurance typically covers the legal responsibilities that medical service providers may encounter during their practice. If your assigned service provider does not hold or possess an appropriate liability insurance policy, the event organizers may have to bear the legal expenses associated with that provider. This includes covering the legal responsibilities that medical professionals may face in response to claims of negligence or malpractice.

  • Impact on Public Trust: Attendees expect that medical support at events is reliable and well-prepared. The absence of proper insurance can undermine public confidence in the safety measures in place, potentially equation the level of quality of Care & patient trust, If a provider lacks insurance, it may lead patients to doubt their professional competence and reliability.

  • Professional Ethics and Standards: Many professional medical organizations require their members to maintain professional liability insurance; failing to do so could result in issues related to professional licensure.

  • Regulatory Scrutiny and Legal Consequences: Depending on the severity of any incidents or issues arising from inadequate first aid services, event organizers may face regulatory investigations, fines, or even legal action. This can further exacerbate the reputational damage and have lasting financial implications.

  • Long-Term Brand and Credibility Erosion: A reputation for prioritizing cost-cutting over participant safety can be incredibly difficult to overcome, even with subsequent improvements. The event may be forever associated with the perceived negligence, making it challenging to regain the trust and confidence of both attendees and industry stakeholders.

  • Delivering medical support at public events without Medical Malpractice Insurance coverage raises significant concerns. While the intention to serve the public and ensure safety is commendable, operating without adequate insurance possibly exposes both medical personnel and event organizers to serious risks that all can be avoided in the first place.

3) Hire Car Permit –Private Service (Limousine)

  • Our Company vehicle holds a Private Service (Limousine) Hire Car permit, to fulfill the existing law [section 52(3) of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374)] stipulates provisions on the use of private cars for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward. Because using an illegal hire car service can put passengers at risk, as the Vehicle's third-party insurance may be invalid.






  • 誰能保證您的活動急救醫療服務的品質、醫療人員的資格及怎麼處理你的活動與會者?

  • 因此,醫療專業責任保險對於醫療急救服務提供者至關重要,應作為整體服務包的一部分。


  • 這種責任保險不僅確保我們員工的資格符合最高標準,還能全面保障責任,


  • 提供最佳責任保險,減少所有活動利害關係人面臨不必要的索賠風險。

  • 請放心,您的活動安全是我們的首要任務,我們致力於提供最高水準的醫療急救護理,

2)  《僱員補償保險》

  • 僱員補償保險是香港雇主的強制性要求。 員工是公司的重要資產。


「Event First Aid Service Ltd」重視員工的重要性;

  • 因此,我們為員工購買了一份全面且合適的符合《香港僱員補償條例》的僱員補償保險,


  • 履行《僱員補償條例》(香港法第282章)對僱員補償的規定和要求,








  • 如果活動現場的急救服務因缺乏全面的醫療過失保險/員工補償保險而被認為不充分,

  • 法律責任:醫療專業責任保險通常涵蓋醫療服務提供者在執業過程中可能遇到的法律責任。

  • 對公眾信任的影響:與會者期望活動中的醫療支援可靠且準備充分。

  • 職業道德與標準:許多專業醫療組織要求其成員持有專業責任保險;否則可能會導致與專業許可相關的問題。

  • 監管審查和法律後果: 取決於任何因急救服務不足而引發的事故或問題的嚴重程度,

  • 長期品牌和公信力的侵蝕: 將削減成本置於參與者安全之上的聲譽也很難克服。

  • 在公共活動中提供醫療支持而沒有醫療過失保險的保障,會引發重大擔憂。雖然服務公眾和確保安全的意圖是值得讚揚的,但缺乏足夠的保險可能會使醫療人員和活動組織者面臨嚴重的風險,而這些風險本可以事先避免。

3) 《私家服務(豪華房車)出租汽車許可證》

  • 我們公司的車輛均持有 - 私家服務(豪華房車) 出租汽車;

  • 為履行現有法例訂有有關使用私家車作出租或取酬載客用途的條文《道路交通條例》(第374章)第52(3)條。

  • 因為使用非法出租汽車服務會令車上乘客蒙受風險,


F&Q  :
What is the difference between Medical Malpractice & Professional Indemnity Insurance?

  • The coverage for both these insurances is very similar; however, medical malpractice insurance not only covers economic loss but also injury and property damage following professional negligence, which professional indemnity won’t cover.


  • As mentioned, unlike public liability insurance, both cover compensation claims arising out of professional activities. However, the cover under a professional indemnity policy is a lot more restrictive than the cover under a medical malpractice policy.


  • Professional indemnity insurance only covers compensation claims involving purely economic losses. This means that if someone makes a claim against the service alleging that the service's professional negligence resulted in them being injured or their property being damaged, professional indemnity insurance would not cover it.


⚠️We DO NOT provide a SINGLE-PERSON service. 

  • Our service will provide at least two staff members, including one male and one female.
    This ensures the presence of both genders, which can be beneficial for your event.

  • We aim to avoid "medical diagnosis tunnel vision," which may lead to errors in medical decision-making. The presence of both genders allows for a "chaperone role" during necessary intimate examinations. This can help reassure patients if they experience distress and offer emotional support during embarrassing or uncomfortable situations, thereby protecting the patient’s dignity and confidentiality.

  • Additionally, the chaperone role and buddy system provide safeguards for both patients and our staff. This approach can discourage unfounded allegations of improper behavior and secure the interests of all event stakeholders.

  • Based on our real-life working experience, our female staff tend to be more effective when handling infants, children, and the elderly. If your event involves infants or expectant mothers, we can assign female staff with obstetric qualifications or clinical obstetric experience to provide assistance.

In the medical field,
it is
generally NOT recommended to have a single responder for several important reasons:

  1. Safety and Oversight: Having a single responder increases the risk of potential errors, oversights, or misjudgments during medical situations. Having a second responder provides an additional layer of safety, oversight, and verification of the actions taken.

  2. Workload Management: Medical emergencies can be highly demanding, both physically and mentally. A single responder may become overwhelmed or fatigued, leading to decreased effectiveness. Having a team of responders allows for task-sharing and better management of the workload.

  3. Specialized Skills: Different medical professionals possess complementary expertise, which is valuable in emergency situations.

  4. Patient Comfort and Dignity: The presence of both genders can be important for certain procedures or examinations to ensure patient comfort and dignity.

  5. Legal and Ethical Requirements: Chaperones may be legally or ethically required, particularly for intimate examinations.

  6. Backup and Support: A second responder can provide immediate assistance if the primary responder requires help or becomes incapacitated.

The presence of a team of medical responders, rather than a single individual, is considered a best practice to ensure quality patient care, enhance safety, and meet legal and ethical standards.


  • 我們的服務將提供至少兩名急救人員,包括一名男性和一名女性。這確保了兩性在場,對您的活動將是有益的。

  • 我們的目標是避免「醫療診斷狹隘視野」,這可能導致醫療決策中的錯誤。

  • 此外,陪伴角色和夥伴系統為患者和我們的急救人員提供了保障

  • 根據我們的實際工作經驗,我們的女性急救人員在處理嬰兒、兒童和老年人方面往往更具效果。


  • 安全與監督只有用單一急救人員會增加醫療狀況下潛在錯誤、疏忽或誤判的風險。


  • 工作量管理醫療緊急狀況對身體和精神的要求都很高。單一急救人員可能會變得不知所措或疲勞,

                        從而導致效率下降。擁有 一支急救團隊可以實現任務共享和更好的工作量管理。

  • 專業技能不同的醫療專業人員可能擁有互補的專業技能或專業知識。


  • 病患照護與舒適某些醫療程序或檢查可能需要男女都在場,以確保病患的舒適和尊嚴。


  • 法律與道德考量在某些情況下,例如私密檢查,有監護人在場被認為是保護病人和醫療專業人員的法律和道德要求。

  • 後備和支援如果用單一急救人員喪失工作能力或需要幫助,


Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service

Post-Event First Aid Summary

Based on our real-life operations practice and detailed records is crucial for understanding the nature of incidents and incidents and

If an incident occurs during the event, we will keep a detailed record. This document will allow event organizers to understand the circumstances of the accident and the treatment provided afterward.

Benefits of This Summary :

  1. Accident Documentation:
    If an incident occurs during the event, we will retain a detailed record of the incident.
    This document enables event organizers to understand the circumstances of the accident and the treatment provided afterward.


  2. Legal and Insurance Support:
    This summary serves as a legally valid document that can be submitted to insurance companies or legal representatives. This is critical for addressing any claims that may arise from incidents during the event.


  3. Future Planning Reference:
    The insight gained from this report can provide valuable information for planning future events. Understanding the nature of incidents helps identify potential hazards, enabling you to minimize risks and enhance safety measures for upcoming events.

This post-event first aid summary is an important document that not only assists in handling legal and insurance claims but also serves as a key reference for improving safety measures for future events. We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve your upcoming event and look forward to assisting you in your future events.





本摘要的好處,​ 如果活動期間發生意外; 我們將記錄在案

  1. 意外記錄

  2. 法律和保險支援:


  3. 未來活動規劃參考


Based on actual experiences, we acknowledge that insurance claims can occur.

  • Therefore, we do not take any chances and ensure that our pre-hospital event medical emergency services are equipped with sufficient and effective liability insurance. This measure aims to guarantee that every step of our service provision meets modern medical practice standards and safeguards the interests of all stakeholders.

  • Furthermore, we ensure the provision of complete and accurate records to support insurance claims and legal needs and serve as reference material for future event planning and improvements. We are committed to providing reliable and professional medical emergency services for your event, ensuring the safety and health of all participants.



  • 因此,我們不會抱有任何僥倖心理,並將確保我們的院前活動醫療急救服務配備充足且有效的責任保險。這項措施旨在確保在提供服務過程中的每一步均符合現代醫療實踐標準,並保障所有利害關係人的利益。

  • 此外,我們會確保提供完整和準確的記錄,以支持保險索賠及法律需求,並作為未來活動規劃和改進的參考依據。我們致力於為您的活動提供可靠且專業的醫療急救服務,確保所有參與者的安全與健康。


We operate using the "Multidisciplinary Team Care Model."

Our team consists of professionals from various medical specialties, each possessing distinct expertise and skills. This allows us to effectively integrate our diverse backgrounds to address complex and challenging clinical situations faced by patients.

  • The benefits of the Multidisciplinary Team Care Model are significant. The model's key advantage is its ability to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care at every treatment stage. In pre-hospital emergency settings, our team can quickly assess a patient's condition, integrate insights from different specialties, and provide immediate diagnostic and treatment recommendations, thereby stabilizing vital signs for subsequent in-hospital care.

  • ​Additionally, our team members have experience as emergency department supervisors in theme parks, equipping them with the skills to manage complaints and insurance claims. This expertise enables us to deliver high-quality clinical care while effectively handling legal and administrative aspects, ensuring smooth event execution.





  • 多學科團隊護理模式的好處- 多學科團隊護理模式的主要優勢在於它能夠打破傳統單一學科的界限,促進跨學科的合作與有效的溝通。該模式的主要優勢在於促進跨學科合作,確保患者在每個治療階段都能獲得適當的照護。在院前急救環境中,我們的團隊能迅速評估患者的狀況,整合各專業的見解,並提供即時的診斷和治療建議,從而穩定生命體徵,為後續的院內護理奠定基礎。

  • 此外,部分團隊成員曾擔任主題公園的急救部門主管,具備處理投訴和保險索賠的技能。這些經驗使我們能夠提供高品質的臨床護理,同時有效管理與醫療相關的法律和行政事務,確保活動的順利進行。


Comprehensive Sports Medicine and Emergency Care

  • Our service capabilities extend beyond general first aid to provide comprehensive sports medicine and emergency care, ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes at your events.

  • Rapid Response: Our trained teams monitor sidelines and make swift, informed decisions to address acute injuries, considering both physical trauma and the psychological impacts on athletes.

  • Complete Service Offering: In addition to acute field response, we provide sports taping, consultations, and on-field injury management, contributing to the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries.

  • Commitment to Safety: Our goal is to equip your organization with the medical expertise and resources necessary to facilitate safer sporting events and enhance the overall experience for athletes.

  • We are fully committed to upholding the highest standards of care and professionalism in all our services.

  • 我們的服務不僅限於一般急救,還提供全面的運動醫學和運動急救,以保障參賽運動員的安全和福祉。我們負責監控場邊情況並迅速做出明智的決策,以解決任何急性傷害,並隨時準備立即反應,並現場做出初步治療決定。

  • 作為運動醫學專業人員,我們負責監控場邊情況並做出快速、明智的決定,在確定最合適的治療方案時,不僅考慮運動員身體創傷,還仔細權衡對運動員心理和競技表現的影響。

  • 除了緊急應變,我們的服務還包括運動肌內效貼療法、運動醫學諮詢和急性損傷管理,使我們能夠積極預防、治療和持續管理運動和身體活動相關的傷害和創傷,並在必要時進行專業轉介。

  • 最終,我們的目標是為您的體育賽事和組織提供所需的醫療專業知識和資源,促進更安全的體育賽事,增強所有參賽運動員的整體體驗。我們了解這些責任的重要性,並完全致力於維護最高標準的護理和專業精神。

「including, but not limited to」
「including, but not limited to」

Challenges of Prehospital First Aid Services

Providing first aid in a prehospital event setting involves unique challenges that require specialized expertise and resources:

  1. High-Pressure Situations: Limited access to medical equipment and unpredictable environments demand rapid, informed decision-making from first aid teams.

  2. Appropriate Training: Without a patient's full medical history, responders must use their training and clinical judgment to stabilize injuries and provide immediate care, adapting to dynamic situations.

  3. Evolving Responsibilities: The role of first aid has expanded beyond basic care to include a higher level of responsibility, necessitating well-equipped, highly-trained personnel familiar with modern medical protocols.

  4. Importance of Selection: When choosing an event first aid provider, it is crucial to ensure they have proper insurance coverage and staff with the necessary medical knowledge and skills.

Event First Aid Service Ltd. is equipped to provide a comprehensive solution that addresses these critical requirements, ensuring the safety and well-being of your event attendees.




  1. 高壓情況院前取得醫療設備有限的且不可預測的環境要求急救團隊做出快速、明智的決策。

  2. 訓練有素:在沒有患者完整病史的情況下,

  3. 不斷變化的責任:急救的角色已經超出了基本護理範圍,涵蓋了更高級別的責任,

  4. 選擇的重要性:當您為即將舉行的活動選擇活動急救人員時,


Event First Aid Service Ltd. 能夠提供全面的解決方案來滿足這些關鍵要求,


  • Based on the size and structure of your event, we will ensure that we will have more than sufficient life-saving, immobilization devices and extrication equipment in place and ready to serve in your event.

  • All consumables are included without any extra cost. 

  • So all your event participants know; that whenever they require first aid, all event stakeholders will feel safe and have a sense of security that on-site had sufficient materials, equipment, and professionals in place to assist them.

  • 根據您活動的規模和參與者人數,我們確保現場配備充足的醫療急救設備、醫療固定裝置及救援器材,隨時為您的活動提供服務。

  • 所有急救耗材均已包含在內,無需任何額外費用。

  • 這是確保所有活動參與者知悉的關鍵;每當有人需要急救時,

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We understand that most moms and dads would do anything to keep their little ones safe from harm. Nothing is more heart-wrenching than seeing your child get hurt, especially when a kiss and a cuddle won’t stop the tears.

When it comes to events involving kids, safety is a top priority. Children are easily excitable and often get hurt, particularly when they become tired. Assessing young children can be more challenging because everything is smaller, and young children often struggle to express their feelings verbally.
Additionally, children with special educational needs (SEN) can be more sensitive and require extra care.

By having our trained staff at your event, you can ensure that we are equipped to handle both children and those with SEN, as well as highly sensitive persons (HSP). Our quick actions and proficient skills allow us to provide immediate emotional support and initial medical care to the children, while also comforting worried parents.

As an event organizer, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to create a kid-friendly, happy, and safe environment, ensuring that everyone has a great time





因為兒童容易得意忘形, 經常容易導致受傷,

特別是在他們疲倦時。 而且對兒童的評估會比較困難,







Pre-hospital First Aid Service is not always about bloody or dramatic situations.

  1. Based on our experience, we frequently encounter and handle individuals suffering from emotional distress for various reasons. It is important to understand the underlying causes of their distress and to recognize their needs.

  2. Therefore, we encourage our Medical First Aid (MFA), Pre-Hospital First Aid (PFA), and IBCCES - Autism and Sensory Awareness Training qualified staff to continually refine their communication skills and enhance their knowledge in counseling or psychological first aid.
    By applying the principles of look, listen, and link, our staff can provide timely and effective psychological support and appropriate measures to help mitigate the problem through empathy and sympathy. This approach helps to improve the immediate sense of security on-site, offering both physical and emotional comfort to those in distress.


When advanced support is required, we can provide a referral channel to help individuals seek further medical assistance.

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  • 事實上,根據我們的經驗,我們經常遇到並處理因各種原因而遭受情緒困擾的人。理解他們困擾的原因和需求非常重要。

  • 因此,我們鼓勵我們的醫療急救(MFA)、院前急救(PFA)和IBCCES - 自閉症及感官意識培訓合格的員工不斷提升他們的溝通技巧,並增強心理急救或輔導的知識。



From our real-life working practices, we often come across a geriatric patient with a medical emergency or traumatic injury.


  • 🌱Geriatric patients are not just "old adults"— they come with their own challenges, which include social, cognitive, and physical aspects. The physical presentation of geriatric patients is different from that of other patient groups. Taking an honest look at where an elderly needs support is the first step and then assessing all the possible solutions to get them the help they need.


  • As Medical First Aid Service providers, we must show empathy and secure their dignity when approaching the geriatric patient, also we need to increase our index of suspicion with elderly patients. Vague and non-specific complaints and traumatic injuries with a low-energy mechanism of injury can have life-altering effects on an older patient.


  • 🌱老年患者不僅是“老年人”,他們還面臨著自己的挑戰,包括社會,認知和身體方面。 老年患者的身體表現與其他患者群不同。 細心地看待老年人需要支持的地方是第一步,然後評估所有可能的解決方案,以幫助他們獲得所需的幫助。


  • 作為醫療急救服務提供者,在接觸老年患者時,我們必須表現出同理心 和 同情心並確保他們的尊嚴並獲得尊重,我們還需要對老年患者的受傷機制懷疑指數提高警覺。 模糊和非特定性的主訴以及具有低能量損傷機制的創傷性損傷可能對老年患者產生改變生命的影響。

“Plan before you can manage.”

In simple words, planning comes before managing, events.”

  • Behind the scenes of every great event, 

       We are not limited to providing service on the actual event days. 

  • We also play a crucial role in the meetings and coordination before the event.

  • We frequently conduct on-site inspections with the event management team and collaboratively develop emergency plans. Through these preparations, we can consider your event from a safety perspective, identify potential crises, and provide professional recommendations to the event management team to minimize any risks.

  • Our goal is to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for your event, safeguarding the well-being and satisfaction of all participants.

  • 在每一個大型活動的背後,


  • 在每一個大型活動的背後,我們的角色不僅限於活動當天的服務提供。我們在活動前的會議和協調過程中,亦扮演著至關重要的角色。

  • 我們經常與活動管理團隊進行現場考察,並共同制定應急計劃


  • 我們的目標是為您的活動提供一個安全且愉快的體驗,

The building blocks of our service successes are the people with the right mindset, and possessing the necessary skills/qualifications.
They work together to deliver services in a style that is best described as
“Precaution is better than cure.” .....

Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service

Modern First Aid Service pattern has evolved;
The old trend all you seeing the first aider just sitting around, waiting for someone to come to seek help, instead; "Prevention" had become a new trend, therefore we will be watching out for any potential hazard that may occur in your events; minimize the risk factor before the accident happened and this act is to prevent letting anyone else capture and post it on social media lead to any potential Public relations/ legal crisis. 

Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
Event First Aid Service
First Aid Service - Hong Kong
First Aid Service - Hong Kong

“Saving a life wasn’t always about performing complicated medical procedures.  It was something more.  It was about putting a smile on someone’s face and hearing them sincerely .”  ― Daniel Sink 


Event First Aid Service Limited. © Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved. 

Terms and Conditions are works that fall under Copyright Law. 

Reproducing the Terms and Conditions, fully or in part, is this an infringement of copyright.

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